Isopure Unflavored Protein Powder Review = New Staple in my Kitchen!

Let's get right to it. This is a must have if you're eating Gluten Free due to Celiac Disease or Gluten Intolerance. Here's why:
The BEST Gluten Free Recipes for bread, tortillas, and crackers include a protein powder as a key ingredient! This is by far the best brand that I've tried. It dissolves easily and bakes up perfectly!
You need to "beef" up your diet with protein that you're not getting from the typical American wheat filled diet. Gluten is the protein that we've removed and often times those flour substitutes don't contain the same amount of protein.
When traveling its even more important to bring along easy nourishing gluten free meal replacements... and Isopure Unflavored is now my go-to! I mix it in my coffee every morning for the easiest hotel room breakfast.
I now carry a Ziplock baggie of this stuff with me on the majority of trips (this bucket isn't exactly portable but the smaller bags are usually more expensive). Yes, it looks completely suspicious, but no TSA Agent has stopped or questioned me about it... At least not yet. Have you had a different experience with powders? Please warn me in the comments! I've had plenty of TSA pull ups (one where they accused me of bringing explosives on the plane and the tests and xrays kept confirming it was definitively explosives -LOL- story for another time), but so far no issues with a bag of this protein powder.
In fact, right after I received this big tub (which is the most economical way to purchase it), I drove from Yuma to San Diego with not only a big quart size bag of this POWDER, but also a food SCALE. HA! Can you even imagine the trouble that could have ensued with Border Patrol?? Thankfully I had no issues.
Morning Coffee Tips:
Literally the easiest, most reliable gluten free hotel breakfast. I've only ever not had a coffee maker in a hotel room once (in Vegas), which means you can 99.99% of the time always count on having a way to eat safely in the morning.
Don't heat your mix the protein into toooo hot of coffee. It will start to cook and become a solid (which is what makes it great for baking).
Bring a long a little Milk Frother for the easiest mixing. No need to mess with shakers.
Unflavored means you can add in your other flavored syrups for variety without having to buy a bunch of different protein!